EFI-Certified Operations Benefit from Soft Skills Training

Participants in Equitable Food Initiative’s (EFI) workforce development programs are often surprised by how engaging the training sessions are. Many expect a 40-hour lecture series only to find themselves involved in interactive teaching exercises that stretch cultural norms and establish new boundaries for comfort and confidence levels.

The soft skills training provided through the EFI Program focuses on communication, problem-solving and conflict resolution. The impact of a cross-level, cross-functional team bringing these skills to the wider labor force is quickly seen in improved culture, productivity, teamwork, trust and communication.

We create a space for everyone’s participation and for workforce engagement, for people to share their skills and experience, bring issues to the table, offer solutions to problems that might arise to management and communicate those back to the workforce. Completing the training enables them not only to achieve EFI certification, but also improve other processes.”  – Gretta Siebentritt, Director of Workforce Development for EFI


“The EFI standard helps organizations become more efficient by involving workers, changing culture. It challenges their ability to problem solve and resolve conflicts. For those taking it seriously, it truly changes an organization.” — Retailer interviewed for the 2017 BSD Report

Bernardo Reyes, EFI Leadership Team member and manager of the Stemilt operation in Quincy, Washington, was initially hesitant to incorporate the listening and communication techniques taught in the EFI training, finding them to run counter to his management style. As he started welcoming ideas and solutions from his workforce, he saw an increase in productivity and employee satisfaction.

“In the beginning I thought that I knew more than the workers on my team, and it was hard to hear their ideas. But when I started to give them more freedom to give us solutions, I saw that there were things getting past me. We started to see more production and to see the employees come to work happier, more motivated. I saw that the EFI Leadership Team was working. The management started to function in a different way. We were all motivated,” Reyes reflected.


Vernon Peterson, grower with Homegrown Organic Farms, asserts that the EFI workforce development training helps his team perform their jobs more effectively in the day-to-day operation of his farm and packing shed.

“The training taught us how to set up a problem and work together to solve it. It was so valuable to have everyone in the same room, and it was fantastic for our crew members,” he said. “The training and implementation of teamwork that comes with EFI genuinely does help us do our job better and get a better product to the consumer.”

“After the EFI Leadership Team training, I saw an increase in productivity among the workers in our facility. I saw their behaviors and expectations of one another change and that they were taking more pride in their work.” — Margaret Stuart, Senior Compliance Manager, Rouge River Farms


“We have been able to use the skills we learned in EFI trainings to support the company and solve small problems before they get bigger. We have been able to work as a team and identify problems that may not be directly in our area, but that will benefit the workers and the company.” — Marcela Jimenez, Benefit and Compensation Manager for MangoPack, Alpine Fresh, Inc.


“I spend a lot of time with my coworkers here, but before the EFI training, you wouldn’t dare talk to them about their concerns or problems at work. The EFI trainers taught us more how to communicate with our coworkers, how to talk to them to ask, ‘Are you comfortable? Is there anything that you think isn’t good here?’ For me, the increased confidence to speak is the main thing.” — Claudia Acosta, Leadership Team member for Homegrown Organic Farms


“Before I didn’t dare to speak up. Now I can, without being afraid. I don’t feel embarrassed anymore. I didn’t have confidence in myself. I learned from the trainings. The Leadership Team gives me the opportunity to grow, with more challenges.” — Farmworker Leadership Team representative interviewed for the 2017 BSD Report