Tip of the Iceberg Podcast – Episode 3: How Small Things Are Big in Worker Safety Retention

Podcast cover with blue and orange colors and the picture of the guest in the middleLeAnne Rhodes Ruzzamenti, the Director of Marketing Communications at Equitable Food Initiative (EFI), recently interviewed Marylu Ramirez, the HR Manager at GoodFarms (also known as Andrew & Williamson Fresh Produce), about the importance of communication in improving safety, quality food, and quality of life for the workforce at the farm. 

Marylu’s role involves visiting every ranch to ensure that GoodFarms’ values and safety standards are being followed and that human and worker rights are respected. During the interview, Marylu discussed how effective communication has helped the workforce at GoodFarms. For example, when a problem with irrigation and leaks arose, the irrigators themselves came up with a solution. They realized that many workers were stepping on the water line while going from one field to another because it was covered in plastic. After some conversations with representatives, this information was shared with everyone, and workers started avoiding walking over the water lines, reducing leaks and low pressure. 

Over time, the teams became more open not only about bringing complaints but also about sharing ideas for solutions. For example, when GoodFarms needed to improve their picking carts for strawberries, they consulted with the workers and received valuable feedback. After finding the best options together, 500 carts were delivered to each ranch. This solution helped improve the picking process and food safety by adding rings to the cart that hold buckets, reducing the problem of fruit flies. To learn more about the process of harvesting strawberries, don’t forget to listen to the podcast! 

Marylu emphasizes that this kind of compromise is a partnership between both sides. The company provides the tools, but the workers are responsible for using them in the best way possible. She also notes that effective communication is key to successful change. GoodFarms has created a system that works for the workforce, minimizing language barriers and always showing respect. 

Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of effective communication in creating a safer and more productive workplace. By working together and listening to each other’s ideas and concerns, GoodFarms has been able to create a positive work environment where everyone is respected and valued.