Internal Trainer Certification Course Develops Employees to Support Organizational Culture and Certification Objectives

Open to EFI-Certified Companies, the Internal Trainer Course Begins in November 2022

EFI’s Internal Trainer Certification Course is offered to growers in the EFI Program that wish to develop internal resources to support ongoing Leadership Team development, workforce education, compliance with EFI Standards or other areas of organizational development.

Certified internal trainers provide growers the opportunity to further develop their employees and generate an immediate return on investment since certified trainers can deliver trainings necessary to maintain EFI certification and promote a culture of communication, collaboration and continuous improvement for the company.

In 2022 the ITCC will be offered in April and November.

“The certified trainer role has proven itself worthy. The trainers support and strengthen the essential skills of farmworkers, supervisors and managers. They seek compliance and continuous improvement through collaboration with the Leadership Teams and follow EFI procedures.”

– Kevin Boyle, Director of Business & New Product Development,  EFI

About the Internal Trainer Course

Participants in the course will complete 50 hours of training that includes an orientation, two two-day sessions of live virtual training and one one-day session of live virtual training, two hands-on practicums and a final live evaluation, with support and individual feedback during the whole course.

Sessions for the course are designed and conducted in accordance with each company and EFI’s health and safety protocols for COVID-19.

Attendees must have attended an EFI Leadership Team training and be working actively and directly with the EFI Program or Leadership Team for a company certified by EFI.

EFI encourages the participation of non-management employees who have an aptitude for training and an interest in their own professional development. Companies with a bilingual workforce should consider sending bilingual employees or an employee for each language spoken.

Enrollment Is Open for the November Internal Trainer Certification Course

The fall course begins on November 8. 2022. Registration ends October 12, 2022.  All parties interested in registering for the course can reach out to EFI Senior Workforce Development Specialist Ana (Lulu) Rivera or complete the registration form in English or Spanish on EFI’s website.

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