How Does Having a “Culture of Change” Affect the Audit Process?

Over the last decade, the fresh produce industry has seen notable shifts in the requirements retailers expect producers to meet, among them: the elevation of social responsibility through the Ethical Charter on Responsible Labor Practices and more recently a focus on improving pollinator health.

It can be expected that retailer requirements will continue to evolve.

Having a company culture that can flex and respond to changing requirements is imperative for cultivating staying power and success in the industry.

Since receiving recognition from the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) earlier this year, certification from Equitable Food Initiative (EFI) offers the industry’s only consolidated audit covering responsible sourcing, food safety and IPM/pollinator health.

“EFI brings all the pieces together into one package and replaces three different audits. It’s a holistic approach that makes your company better.” – Margaret Stewart, Sr Compliance Manager, Rouge River Farms


The benefits of the EFI Program reach beyond relieving audit fatigue for fresh produce operations.

By creating a collaborative work culture with built in systems, processes that facilitate good communication between workforce and management, increased workforce engagement, transparency, and continuous improvement, EFI certification helps farming operations prepare for and meet future changes.  

With an established change of culture, the audit process is about more than proof of compliance. EFI-certified growers attest that adherence to EFI’s more than 300 rigorous standards also serves to drive business performance and alleviate recruitment and retention issues. Additionally, the backdrop of an engaged workforce means an audit presents the opportunity to improve management systems. When a farming operation has access to the expertise of the entire workforce through the communication networks established by the EFI Leadership Team, solving problems flagged during an audit becomes more efficient.

“EFI is about culture change and process improvement, so the entire landscape of audits for our company has changed.” – Amalia Zimmerman-Lommel, Director, Corporate Social Responsibility, GoodFarms

Learn More

Find out more about EFI Certification. Schedule a free one-on-one consultation with EFI staff to learn more about how the EFI Program can help establish a culture of change for your operation by clicking here.