EFI Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

During the months of September and October, EFI is embracing Hispanic Heritage Month. EFI comes together to honor the profound impact of Hispanic individuals on the agricultural landscape. Rooted in rich traditions and a deep connection to the land, the Hispanic community has long been an essential pillar of the agricultural industry. From the people on farms, ranches and greenhouses, the packing houses, and in administrative roles, their stories and contributions echo through generations, enriching our farms, our tables, and our nation. 

Based on the census of agriculture made in 2017 by the United States Department of Agriculture: 

  • In the USA, 112,451 producers are Hispanic, 
  • 86,278 farms are Hispanic-operated,
  • 60% of the Hispanic- producers live in Texas, California, and New Mexico,
  • 11,699 The number of Hispanic-operated farms specializing in fruit, tree nut, and berry production. 

Join us in this journey as we celebrate Hispanic heritage, acknowledge their achievements, and pave the way for a more inclusive and fruitful agricultural future: 

Download Infographic in English

Descarga la Infografía en Español


Let us remember that honoring Hispanic heritage is not limited to a particular month but a year-round commitment. As we look back on their achievements and the significant contributions they’ve made, we’d like to take a moment to express our appreciation. Together, we cultivate diversity, unify our strength, and sow seeds of progress that yield shared prosperity. 


Written by Alexandra Martinez, Marketing & Sales Associate for EFI