Celebrate Food Safety Education Month in September

Highlight the Role of Farmworkers in Keeping Food Safe at Farm Level

Food safety starts on the farm, and the fresh produce industry has a great story to share with consumers about the many steps taken to prevent food safety outbreaks.

Numerous recalls and food safety outbreaks in recent years has eroded consumer confidence. In a recent survey conducted by EFI, when asked what attributes of fresh fruits and vegetables they are willing to pay more for, a majority said those that offer the highest assurance of food safety and handling. In addition, respondents listed food recalls and outbreaks among their highest concerns when purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables, second only to pesticide use and presence on foods.

During National Food Safety Education Month this September, members of the agriculture community can help consumers understand how the industry maintains high standards in food safety through education, training and audits. Use your social media channels and traditional media outlets to share what your farming operation does on a daily basis to protect the food supply chain.

Key Messages to Share with Consumers

  • Food safety starts on the farm, and farmworkers are on the front lines of preventing foodborne illness.
  • Well-trained farmworkers are the critical first step in preventing foodborne illness.
  • To detect and address threats to food safety, workers need dignified working conditions, training and a culture that encourages them to speak up.
  • Farmers are held to high food safety standards and must complete yearly food safety audits and continuing education programs.

Video & Social Media Graphics

Share the following video and graphics on social media channels to highlight the role farmworkers play in keeping food safe. (Click on the social media graphics to open a full-size version, then right click to save the image.)













EFI-certified growers can request custom images featuring their farming operation, by emailing the EFI Marketing Department.