About EFI

Elevating Social Responsibility & Worker Engagement in the Produce Industry

Our Mission

Bring together growers, farmworkers, retailers and consumers to transform agriculture and the lives of farmworkers.

Our Vision

An agricultural system in the Americas in which stakeholders collaborate to improve quality and supply chain assurance for retailers; quality and high-performing work systems for growers; skills, credentials, job quality and economic return for workers; and quality, safety, and transparency for consumers.

efi logo with green letters and a leave with diverse greens on top of the i
smily farmworker woman picking tomatoes from a tomato plant

EFI brings everyone in the supply chain together to integrate worker voice to address the industry’s most pressing issues, including labor, sustainability and food safety. We seek to be a catalyst in the fresh produce industry that engages and develops agricultural workers for business success. We believe that collaboration leads to enhanced business performance and better-quality workplaces, thereby transforming the lives of farmworkers.

Guiding Principles

Our guiding principles differentiate our approach and shape the solutions we offer.

Worker Voice

EFI’s programs to increase assurance, improve quality and drive business performance are all grounded in processes that engage workers through training to develop their agency and provide channels for worker voice.


EFI recognizes that the skills and contributions of farmworkers create healthier work environments and produce safer food. Offering skill building opportunities and credentialing for workers to develop new competencies will improve product quality and business performance by developing a more professional workforce.

Continuous Improvement 

EFI promotes a culture of continuous improvement in which workers and managers are encouraged to speak up when things aren’t working, and where they have the skills and incentive to solve problems. EFI’s products and services offer fresh produce companies support in taking a continuous improvement journey for social responsibility.

Offering a Full Suite of Products & Services That Provide a Path of Continuous Improvement

EFI offers supply chain assurance and helps retail buyers identity suppliers who are engaged in social responsibility, building a culture of food safety and developing better workplaces.

EFI offers assessments, training and certifications that:

  • build capacity for farming operations
  • engage workers throughout the operation to drive safety, efficiency and quality
  • foster worker-manager collaboration
  • identify and enhance foundational skills of workers, managers and leaders

Grower-shippers choose the place to start that is right for them and can add-on products and services that best suit their needs to build their capacity.

Webinars, Seminars & Workshops

Online training offerings that introduce and develop social responsibility concepts in agricultural operations

Ethical Charter Implementation Program

Self-assess labor practices and demonstrate engagement to buyers

Equitable Food Initiative - Label

EFI Certification

The Gold Standard Social Responsibility Certification

Work Redesign & Skill Identification

Assess, analyze and redesign work processes to improve performance

ERGO for Regenerative Organic Certification

Satisfy Regenerative Organic Alliance’s Gold Level Social Fairness Requirements With an ERGO Certificate From EFI

Farm Labor Contractor Certification

Earn the gold standard social responsibility certification for FLCs

A Multi-Stakeholder Approach

The food supply chain is a dynamic system of multiple entities that should be equally represented to share their needs for improving the system. All voices should be included — growers, farmworkers, retailers and consumers — to ensure that an equitable and sustainable food system brings value to all. Equitable Food Initiative was created by leaders in the supply chain who wanted increased assurance around working conditions and food safety. These visionaries knew that training and supporting farmworkers on the front line would create a culture that could eventually revolutionize the industry. The nonprofit organization continues to be governed by leaders from across the food supply chain. The following organizations serve on EFI’s Executive Board or the EFI Standards Committee, which develops and oversees the EFI Certification Standards:


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The EFI Difference

As a multi-stakeholder organization, EFI’s approach is rooted in creating shared value for workers, farming operations and retail buyers. As pressures in the agricultural industry continue to mount around labor shortages, extreme weather, supply chain shortages and downward pricing pressure, we believe our workforce development solutions can help alleviate those pressures. Together, we can support workers, help growers improve business performance and bring retail buyers higher levels of assurance. 

Social Responsibility Through Collaboration & Integrating Worker Voice

Farming operations work with EFI to address social responsibility throughout the supply chain. We partner with growers of fresh fruits and vegetables who seek to integrate worker voice, foster manager-worker collaboration and recognize the value of all staff. These progressive farming operations focus on creating a culture of continuous improvement that leads to a safer food supply chain, better workplaces and the ability to meet evolving business needs.

An Unprecendented Idea

As a multi-stakeholder organization, EFI’s founding is a unique story of bringing everyone in the supply chain together to address the fresh produce industry’s most pressing problems.

We’re an Open Book

As a nonprofit social enterprise, EFI is funded by earned revenue and supplemented by government and philanthropic grants.

Building Skills to Create Assurance and Drive Business Performance


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Learn More

Watch the Award-Winning Cultivating Voices Video Series

Latest News

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