EFI-certified Trainer, Jesus Medellin, Is Committed to the People Behind Your Tomatoes

Jesus MedellinThe People Behind EFI: Jesus Medellin

Jesus Medellin, known by many as Chuy, has been with Houweling’s Group for almost a decade. His passion for providing a safer environment for greenhouse workers encouraged him to become part of the Equitable Food Initiative (EFI) Leadership Team at the company’s California operation in Camarillo.

After three years as an active EFI team leader, Medellin recently completed EFI’s certified internal training program so that he can drive continuous improvement hand-in-hand with his daily tasks as the operations manager for Houweling’s Tomatoes. “I’ve been part of EFI since we started the program three years ago,” he added. “I’m in charge of greenhouse labor, work with other departments we might need assistance with and make sure employees’ needs are met.”

We talked to Medellin to better understand how the EFI training and certification has improved his workplace and job. He describes EFI “as a program that looks out for the safety of workers and consumers.” Here’s the rest of our conversation:


Q: Has EFI helped you become a better manager? 

A: EFI has reassured my management position. I have more confidence in what I do and share that strength with the rest of my team.

Jesus Medellin 2Q: What is the most valuable aspect of the EFI certification in your daily work? 

A: EFI trainings have been very important to our operation since its implementation. Employees know they have more of a voice through our Leadership Team, they are more involved and feel part of the company.

Q: What EFI learning do you utilize in your personal life? 

A: At home, I use the problem-solving skills from EFI trainings to analyze issues first, instead of just going with one idea.  I see myself evaluating more conflicts and solutions now than before EFI.

Q: What pushed you to become an EFI certified internal trainer? 

A: With more employees wanting to get involved in the EFI Leadership Team; as volunteers or members, I’m able to support the company with the knowledge I have about the program. This was a way I could help out the company with certifying new members in the group.

Q: What would you tell a grower that’s thinking of the EFI certification? 

A: Start the process! At first, it’s a lot to deal with but once you get the process going and establish your EFI Leadership Team, you’ll see that it is not difficult to maintain the certification. EFI certification is something you would want your product attached to since it looks out for employees’ wellness and food safety.

Jesus Medellin 1

Jesus Medellin is currently working on the recertification of the greenhouse as an EFI Leadership Team member and certified trainer in Houweling’s Tomatoes greenhouse in California.


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Written by: Rebecca Castrejon, Digital and Communications Associate for EFI