Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness Month is a reminder, but supporting farmworker mental health is a year-round responsibility. For this reason, it is important to understand the challenges workers experience including trauma, anxiety and stress which can be caused by the lack of services in their native language, being uninsured, a demanding work schedule, extended family care responsibilities and economic hardship.

Mental health encompasses our emotional, psychological and social well-being, influencing our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. While we all experience fluctuations in mental health over time, persistent challenges that disrupt daily functioning, like work or relationships, signal the need for extra support and attention.

A positive and supportive workplace culture goes a long way in protecting farmworkers’ mental health. Some ways employers can take concrete steps to support the mental well-being of their farmworkers include:

  • Provide education and training
  • Offer resources and referrals
  • Create a culture of openness and support
  • Promote work-life balance

Employers who support farmworker mental health are seeing results. Vernon Peterson, owner of Abundant Harvest Organics, said: “We believe it’s critical to look after the mental and spiritual health of our employees as much as their physical well-being,”.

Abundant Harvest Organics along with its marketer-shipper, Homegrown Organic Farms, offers chaplain programs that provide on-site support and resources to employees. The programs create a confidential space for farmworkers to discuss personal challenges and workplace stress and offer extra support during times of need. This is an example of how creating a supportive environment is beneficial for everyone in the workforce.

Free On-Demand Webinar for Mental Health Awareness Month

Leading With a Trauma-Informed Approach

This webinar will provide practical strategies for implementing a trauma-informed approach in the workplace, fostering a supportive environment, and leading employees through this lens. Featuring industry experts:

Vivian Page: VP of Human Capitol, Stemilt Growers

Greta Matos: Industry expert in trauma-informed auditing approaches.

We believe it’s critical to look after the mental and spiritual health of our employees as much as their physical well- being”

Symptoms of Mental Health Challenges

According to Riverside University Health System¹, if you or someone, if you or someone you know is experiencing one or more of the symptoms below for more than two weeks, consider getting help.
  • Social isolation or withdrawal
  • Loss of interest in activities that are normally enjoyable
  • Increasing inability to cope with daily problems and activities
  • Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping patterns
  • Denial of obvious problems
  • Extreme highs or lows in mood
  • Feeling disconnected from oneself or one’s surroundings
  • Long-lasting sadness or irritability, excessive fear, worry, or anxiety
  • Delusions, hallucinations, or confused thinking
  • Many unexplained physical problems
  • Abuse of drugs or alcohol
  • Suicidal thoughts

Webinar: Leading With a Trauma-Informed Approach

This webinar was designed to equip produce professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement a trauma-informed approach in their daily work and larger organizations. From recognizing signs of trauma to implementing supportive policies and practices, attendees will learn practical strategies to enhance employee well-being, productivity, and organizational culture.  

Mental Health Resources for Farmworkers

Crisis Support for Agricultural Communities(ES) Apoyo a las comunidades agrícolas en situaciones de crisis

The AgriStress Helpline® offers free and confidential support 24/7 via call or text, and they count with interpretation available in 160 languages for calls². They have trained professionals who will provide assistance and connect you with mental health and agriculture-related resources tailored to your needs | (ES) La Linea de Ayuda AgriStress® ofrece ayuda gratuita y confidencial 24/7, a través de llamada o mensaje de texto, y tienen interpretación disponible en 160 idiomas para las llamadas. Cuentan con profesionales formados que le proporcionarán asistencia y le pondrán en contacto con recursos de salud mental y relacionados con la agricultura adaptados a sus necesidades.

If you or someone you know is struggling, call or text 833-897-2474 | (ES) Si tú o alguien que conoces tiene dificultades, llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 833-897-2474

Now available in Colorado, Connecticut, Missouri, Montana, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.

Posters and Handouts

Download and share fact sheets and posters to mental health awareness in farming operations. Yellow posters are in English, and blue posters in Spanish. | (ES) Descarga y comparte las fichas informativas para concienciar sobre la salud mental en las operaciones agrícolas. Los carteles amarillos están en inglés y los azules en español. Haz clic en el botón azul para descargar las fichas.


1 – Mental Health Support for Farmworkers: Learning to Thrive. It’s up to us. Accessed via https://up2riverside.org/farmworkers/ on May 5, 2024.
2- Crisis Support for Agricultural Communities. U.S. Agrisafe Network. Accessed via https://www.eeoc.gov/statistics/charges-alleging-sex-based-harassment-charges-filed-eeoc-fy-2010-fy-2021 on May 5, 2023.