Report Summarizes Farmworkers’ Suggested Improvements to Guest Worker Recruitment

A farmworker’s recruitment experience, whether positive or negative, starts to affect the strength of the employee-employer relationship well before workers show up at the farm gate. Investing in a better recruitment experience can build trust and open the door for higher levels of employee engagement from day one.

Research by EFI on worker recruitment in the fresh produce industry, executed by &Wider with support from CIERTO Global, examined current recruitment processes and gathered suggestions for improvement directly from Mexican farmworkers who had been recruited to travel for employment on fresh produce farms in Canada, Mexico and the United States.

Nearly 1,300 interactions with more than 650 workers via in-person and telephone interviews and a mobile phone survey took place from August 2020 to March 2021. The scope of the project spanned the complete recruitment and employment experience: from community of origin to place of employment and back home again.

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