Facilitation 101: Training and Development

Dates: November 12, 14, 26, 28 and December 3, 5 and 10, 2024

Registration Deadline: October 29, 2024

Cost: $1,500 for first participant from a single company – $1,400 per additional participant

Prerequisite: None

Course Overview: This course builds facilitation skills to engage adult learners and create interactive, inclusive learning environments. Participants will practice various techniques, receive feedback and build a toolkit of strategies to enhance their facilitation skills and involvement of adult learners.

By the end of the course, participants will have developed a comprehensive toolkit of facilitation strategies and techniques that can be applied in various educational settings. They will be equipped to create dynamic and inclusive learning environments, empowering adult learners to actively participate in their own education and fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define key principles of adult and popular education.
  2. Identify and practice facilitation techniques for active participation and collaboration.
  3. Develop strategies to create inclusive and equitable learning environments.
  4. Design activities that promote critical thinking among adult learners.
  5. Implement participatory techniques that foster learner engagement and ownership.
  6. Reflect on personal facilitation style and identify areas for improvement.
  7. Receive and apply constructive feedback from peers and instructors.
  8. Collaborate with fellow participants to solve facilitation challenges.
  9. Compile and customize a toolkit of facilitation strategies for various educational settings.
Course will Cover 4 Modules, a Practicum and Action Plan Development:
  • Module 1: Foundations of Adult Learning 
  • Module 2: Facilitation Techniques and Strategies – Encouraging Active Participation
  • Module 3: Inclusivity and Diversity in Learning Environments 
  • Module 4: Reflective Practice and Personal Development
  • Practicum Individual Evaluation and Feedback 
  • Action Plan Development

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Fall 2024 - ITCC Part 1